That all may know
Sanctuary Campaign
“To live out the Gospel in Word and Deed with the hope that God will bring Healing, Renewal and Peace to Greater Baltimore and the Nations for His Glory."
When this property was purchased in 1989, visionary leaders and members who embodied this vision chose to delay construction of the Sanctuary in order to first build a facility for our Academy. Our worship services have been held in the gymnasium for 33 years. This Sanctuary will represent a visible and vital piece in fulfilling what we believe God has called us to be as 'salt and light' in our neighborhood, region, and world.
Our ministries are designed to care for people at every age and circumstance, including the curious, unchurched, and outwardly religious. A beautiful Sanctuary will serve as an invitation and testimony to the beauty and majesty of the God we worship in celebration each Sunday.
What we do as a church community today will sow seeds of grace and ministry for future generations. It will help forge a legacy of faith and vision that not only predates our time but will also serve those yet to come. Such a legacy will encourage others who, like us, will one day be called upon to make sacrifices that benefit people they may not meet until the saints are gathered in God's new world.
Even more importantly, through the years, it will carry a legacy of God's faithfulness to the generations that follow.
How the Lord will use this Sanctuary is the real story! Imagine the beauty of the worship! Think of all who will meet Jesus in faith. The Babies that will be baptized. The Boys and Girls who will grow up to be united in marriage. The lives of faithful Christians that will be honored in funeral services. In the decades to come this beautiful structure will serve as a testimony to the beauty and glory of God.
The strangers who will visit, even those who are inspired by its beauty. All as each week, we have the privilege of gathering as a community of faith, in celebration of our glorious God.
the giving process
The giving period for the sanctuary is from February 2025 - February 2028.
To make a one-time gift:
Click “Give Today”
Select “Pay One Time”
Under Fund, choose “Sanctuary Campaign”
Enter the amount you wish to give and click “Next” to enter payment information
To make a recurring gift over the next three years:
Click “Give Today”
Select your desired frequency and start date
Under Fund choose “Sanctuary Campaign”
Enter the amount you wish to give and click “Next” to enter payment information.
See the Commitment Card for other ways to give.
Questions? Please contact Jen Hartranft at jhartranft@chapelgate.org
Campaign Events and materials
The first Sunday of our campaign. Come to pick up an information packet as we begin this exciting journey!
Immediately following our Sunday service, there will be 24 shours of prayer for our church, our community, and the vision of Chapelgate (including this new building!). Meeting in the Office Gathering Room starting at 12PM.
Sign up for a time slot HERE
Join us for an evening of prayer and worship from 7PM-8PM in the Chapel.
Bring your pledge card to the worship service. If you can’t make it in person, you can mail it to us.
Join us as we celebrate the completion of the campaign!