Welcome to Chapelgate English as a Second Language (ESL)! We are here to serve you as you learn more English and more about living in the United States.

We have classes for everyone:

  • If you know no English, we have a class for you.

  • If you speak some English, but want to learn more, we have a class for you.

  • If you speak English well but want to understand more about American culture and improve your pronunciation, we have a class for you.

 Classes are on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM.
All classes are free. Students are asked to pay for books only.

Class registration will be on January 2nd, and the first class is January 12th.

Free childcare for children ages birth through 5th grade.

Contact esl@chapelgate.org for more information.

  • International Moms Group

    Tuesday Mornings 9:30 AM in Room 108
    Intermediate and Advanced levels, Women Only

    Support for wives and mothers as we learn about parenting and American culture.

    Email Maureen Romano for more information.

  • Thursday Morning Bible Study

    10:00 AM

    Intermediate level and above

    Email Julie Baugh for more information.

  • Sunday Evening Adult Fellowship Online

    We meet on Sundays at 7:00 PM on Zoom.

    Email Julie Baugh for more information.

  • Sermon Preview/Review Classes

    Sunday Sermon Preview Classes

    Email Pastor Tai for more information or visit the Asian Ministries webpage.