That All May Know - Sanctuary Campaign
On February 2nd, we will be kicking off a 6-week campaign to fund the construction of our new sanctuary!
During this time, we will reflect on the vision of Chapelgate, the new sanctuary's impact on ministry in our current community, and our expanding mission in the world, both local and abroad.
As you prayerfully consider committing to this vision, there are several resources to help guide you. Mike's sermon series, “That All May Know" begins on February 2nd, and we will be providing a 20-day Devotional, as well as a prayer calendar that anyone can work through. Our hope is that this will be a blessing to you as we reflect on stewardship, faith, and how they impact the vision of Chapelgate.
Click below to view more information and all the events taking place in the next 6 weeks!

MBS Alan Hirsch Conference
Metro Baltimore Seminary’s annual Gospel in Context series this year features Alan Hirsch, a global leader in helping the church recapture the power of Jesus’s early movement of disciples making other disciples.
We believe that Alan’s teaching, as well as the interaction we’ll have with other Christians at this conference, can have a profound influence on how we as a church work together to make new disciples of Jesus. If you are looking to be challenged, inspired, and equipped for the task of reaching your neighbors and coworkers for Jesus, while strengthening your own walk with Jesus, we encourage you to register now.
Dates: March 14-15 (Friday afternoon and Saturday)
Cost: $120 - Early Registration Price through Jan 31
Location: Bridgeway Church in Owings Mills

All Church Missions Breakfast
Come and join us for a continental breakfast with our Global Mission Committee!
We will hear from two of our partners: Shohei Ueki, who is planting a new church in Tokyo, and Derek Lamont, who is planting a new church in Scotland.
Breakfast will be in the Fellowship Hall at 9AM before the worship service. (There are no Sunday School Classes on this Sunday).

CCA Spring Musical
Join us for Chapelgate Christian Academy’s performance of High School Musical this Spring!
Performances on:
Thursday March 20th at 7PM
Friday March 21st at 7PM
Saturday March 22nd at 2PM AND 7PM

Discovery Class
If you would like to learn more about Chapelgate or if you’re interested in becoming a member, you’re invited to our next Discovery Class session starting on March 23rd!
Click below to sign up or get more information.

Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 12th from 10am-12pm.
It's completely free and will have Easter Egg Hunts, games, crafts, face painting, and more!
This event is rain or shine, we hope you will join us!

Rebuilding Together 2025
Chapelgate is partnering with Rebuilding Together Howard County for a one day home rehab project on Saturday, April 26.
There will be an informational meeting on April 6th for all registered team members immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service in the youth lounge to provide details on our home project.
Click below to register or contact Cathy Dallwig with any questions!

Thrive Retreat
Our retreat this year will be a weekend away at Sandy Cove!
To find out more and register click below!

Vacation bible school 2025
Registration is now OPEN for Vacation Bible School 2025!
July 21-25 from 9am-12:30pm for all CURRENT K-5th graders!
Magnified VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God, through five key themes: God's creation, care, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness.
More details and registration HERE!

Ash Wednesday
To start off the season of Lent, Pastors will be available for prayer and to put ashes on your forehead (if you desire them) outside the main entrance at the times listed below.
First Slot: 6AM-8AM
Second Slot: 11:30AM-1:30PM
Third Slot: 5PM-7PM

Congregational Meeting
The Session has called a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025, immediately after the worship service for the purpose of electing officers & deaconesses, the presentation of the 2025 budget, and presentation of ministry reports. Snow date would be February 2, 2025.

Men's Breakfast
Join us for a men’s breakfast on Saturday, January 25th at 8AM!
Breakfast from Cracker Barrel and fellowship.
Register below!

Financial Giving Workshop
Our Financial giving workshop will be a hybrid (zoom and in-person) seminar to give a better understanding of the financial implications of giving, some creative ways that you can give, and the financial implications of those gifts.
Aaron Puckett a member of Chapelgate and a certified financial advisor who will work through how you can leverage assets and tax benefits in your giving.
Coffee and Bagels will be provided.

Thrive Women's Winter Game Night
Come out for game night with the Women’s Ministry in Ellicott City!
For location, details or answer to any questions, contact Melanie Bianco below!

Baby Bottle Fundraising Campaign
Thank you for helping the Pregnancy Center serve women, men, and babies throughout Maryland and surrounding areas. The Center provides free pregnancy testing, sonograms, education, recovery classes, baby supplies, and more – all with the love of Christ.
Pick up and return baby bottles to church lobby through 26 January.
Please make checks payable to: Columbia Pregnancy Center.
You can donate online below

Rise 30 Men's Challenge
RISE 30 is a 30-day challenge designed to help men start the year off by connecting to Jesus and one another. Over the course of the first 30 days of 2025, men will commit to 5 spiritual disciplines designed to deepen their relationship with Christ: Time with God, Fasting, Exercise, Fellowship, and Generosity.
Click below to learn more, sign up, or contact Rob Gicking with any questions!

Christmas Eve Later Service
We are thrilled to be hosting our Christmas Eve services in-person and online this year!
Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, sing carols, and close our worship service by candlelight. There will be childcare provided at 6pm only.
The 6pm service will be live-streamed at live.chapelgate.org
First Service - 6pm (Nursery Provided for children under the age of two)
Second Service - 8pm

Christmas Eve Early Service
We are thrilled to be hosting our Christmas Eve services in-person and online this year!
Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, sing carols, and close our worship service by candlelight. There will be childcare provided at 6pm only.
The 6pm service will be live-streamed at live.chapelgate.org
First Service - 6pm (Nursery Provided for children under the age of two)
Second Service - 8pm

First Night
First Night is an evening of Christmas carols, readings, and fellowship for the whole family.
We will welcome in the Advent season together by taking a journey through the story of redemption, told by children and adults alike.
After a short service, there will be homemade cookies, cocoa, and coffee as we end the night enjoying each other’s company.

December Sunday School Classes
Sunday, December 1st, starts our Christmas Sunday School Classes which will run December 1st - December 15th. (There will be no classes or communities on December 22nd or 29th).
These offerings are great opportunities to gather and grow in your connections with God and the community at Chapelgate. When you arrive, there will be signage to direct you to the room to go to and banners in front of each classroom. Here’s a list of what will be offered this month!
Walk Through Advent - Designed to work with our 2024 Advent Magazine, this class takes a deep dive into the Christmas Story with lots of teaching, discussion, and fun. Led by Dan Passerelli , Judie Puckett, and Rob Gicking, we will meet at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Leadership Family - This three-week class is for those who lead Small Groups, Bible Studies, and Classes. We will review the two upcoming study options for groups in the new year. If you lead a group at Chapelgate, this is for you. Taught by Patrick Allen in Room 214/215
Generations Community - Levitical Laws often leave today’s readers scratching their heads: no haircuts, pigskins, or tattoos? What are we to make of these, and how do they reconcile with what we read in the New Testament? Join Ed Bishop, Richard Loper, and Greg Carson to answer these questions and more as we study the book of Leviticus. The book, “Lessons in Leviticus,” is free to all who attend. Room 212
We also have several classes available through our ESL Ministry that are offered on Sunday mornings. Email Tai Kim for more information: tkim@chapelgate.org
Sermon Preview - offered in English Room 221
Sermon Review- offered in English and Korean Room 222

Advent Magazine
Our Advent Magazine is meant to help guide us through the daily journey of Advent this season.
It features original pieces of art, stories, devotionals, and prayers from members of our church community. Additionally, each week ends with questions and a short activity that reflect on the theme of the week. You can pick up your magazine in the lobby at church at anytime!
We also have all of our advent magazine information, plus all details about December events on our advent website below
On this website you will find supplemental materials to go with your Advent Magazine - video recordings of the carols from our worship team, audio recordings of the guided prayers, testimony videos, as well as a fully online version of the magazine and more. You can also see all the Christmas events being hosted at Chapelgate this season!
Online magazine content will start on December 1st, we hope you will join us on this daily journey through Advent!
Our sincere hope is that this helps you and your family spiritually navigate the Advent season, moving from expectation to fulfillment, as we anxiously await Christ’s coming on Christmas.

Church Wide Missions Breakfast
Come and join us at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall for breakfast!

Young Adult NOW
A Night of Worship to show Young Adults who are passionate about Jesus that there is a community of believers their age larger than what they are typically exposed to in church.
Who is this for? Young Adults who are single, dating and married.
7pm - A group of Chapelgate Young Adults will help lead our first worship night
8:30pm - Join us for an optional social hour after our worship night at Oscar’s Alehouse across the street!
Other upcoming NOW nights: February 7th at Annapolis EP, April 11th location TBD
Reach out to Tim Beschner with any questions!

Fall Service Day
Our Annual Fall Service Day will be on November 23rd from 8:30AM to 12:30PM.
Come join us as we serve those who need a helping hand this season with outdoor projects in our local community.
Projects are family friendly and all are encouraged to participate, so bring your rake and join the fun as we serve together!
Click below to sign up!

Chapelgate Christian Academy Fall Play
Meet the Herdmans, the most notorious kids in town, as they shake up the annual Christmas pageant! This hilarious and heartwarming adaptation of Barbara Robinson's beloved story will remind us all of the true spirit of Christmas.
Get ready for laughter and holiday cheer as our middle and students proudly present The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Friday and Saturday, November 15–16, 7 PM

Men's Breakfast
Join us on Saturday, November 16, from 8AM-10AM in the Fellowship Hall!
Breakfast and great fellowship!
Sign up below and contact Rob Gicking with any questions!

Chapelgate Christian Academy Fall Play
Meet the Herdmans, the most notorious kids in town, as they shake up the annual Christmas pageant! This hilarious and heartwarming adaptation of Barbara Robinson's beloved story will remind us all of the true spirit of Christmas.
Get ready for laughter and holiday cheer as our middle and students proudly present The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Friday and Saturday, November 15–16, 7 PM

Supporting Teen Girls - Live Webinar
Supporting Teen Girls with Life Counseling Center Ministries.
A Free Live Webinar presented by Biblical Counselor, Annie, Wojtowicz, LCSW.
Hear biblical counselors' thoughts on how to support and care for teens.
Learn about teen girls' experiences and common concerns.
Ask questions and get honest answers on tough subjects.
For parents, students, teachers, and support teams - a biblical counselors' thoughts on how to support and care for teens. Sign up below!

Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out at Cava in Columbia. Please contact mbianco@chapelgate.org for more info!

Disaster Relief Training
When disaster strikes, how can the church share the love of Jesus with those affected? Did you know that the Presbyterian Church in America has a Disaster Response Ministry where you can volunteer and use your gifts to bring hope to those in desperate situations?
On Saturday October 26, 2024 8:30am-1pm Chapelgate Presbyterian Church will be hosting a training event for men, women and youth interested in serving in this important ministry. Registration will open at 8am where we will have some refreshments and fellowship and the first morning session will begin at 8:30am. This will be a general training that will be interactive and informative including such topics as:
What can I expect when I participate in a Disaster Response mission trip?
How can my gifts and experience be used on a trip?
Disaster basics of house mucking, mold remediation, roof tarping, and tree removal.
Safety and health in Disaster Areas.
Logistics: Lodging, food, what to pack.
How to share the love of Jesus with those suffering hardships.
How to apply Disaster Response ministry principles in your local community and with your neighbors.
Starting at 10:15 we will switch over to practical hands-on training. There will be instruction and tips on roof repair including tarping, patching and safety, as well as instruction on drywall installation, finish, and repair. We will also be covering other safety issues including proper use of power tools.
After the training we will share lunch together! Sign up below

Vision Dessert
Join us for a Vision Dessert here at Chapelgate!
Desserts will be provided, our Staff will share future plans and dreams, and our Building Committee will reveal the new design for our Sanctuary. Crayons and activity booklets will be available for children, as we want our Nursery Volunteers to be able to attend as well.
The evening will conclude outside in the footprint of the Sanctuary.
There we will pray together, and close with the Doxology and Benediction.

I Wish You knew
Join us for our half-day Fall event, I Wish You Knew, on Saturday, October 19 as we hear from sisters of our church share their experiences with the unique life situations in which God has placed them.
Please contact mbianco@chapelgate.org for more info!

Turkey Drive 2024
We will be raising money to provide turkeys to several organizations that serve homeless and underprivileged communities this season.
Our goal? $6757.69 for 328 turkeys!!
For every $40 you donate, a turkey dinner will be provided for 15-20 people. Credit card and bank cards accepted. Donations will be going towards Helping Up Mission, New Song Learning Academy, Port Towns Church and other local charities.
Contributions will be accepted thru November 24.

Operation Christmas Child 2024
Every year we begin the excitement and anticipation of Christmas a couple of months early by sending out Operation Christmas Child boxes all around the world to children in need. These boxes include essentials, a couple of fun toys, and opportunities for kids to learn about Jesus and the gospel.
Last year we sent out just under 300 boxes between our online and physical boxes - we hope to meet that same number this year, if not to exceed it! You can pick up a physical box and label starting on Sunday, October 13th in the Chapelgate lobby OR you can build a box online in just a few clicks for only $25!
All boxes MUST be turned in BY November 24th.

How To Comfort - A Free Webinar on Grief
Welcome to How To Comfort by Life Counseling Center Ministries.
This will be a free webinar on the topic of grief on October 3rd!
Join us online for an insightful 1 hour session with our Biblical Counselor, Edward Ruiz.
We will explore 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18 learning three ways to help comfort one another when faced with grief. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow.
Register below to secure your spot!

Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out at the Boardman Home in Laurel. Please contact mbianco@chapelgate.org for more info/location!