We are always looking for new team members. Whether you are an instrumentalist, vocalist, or a tech person, we would love to have you. If you’re interested, please fill out this form.
We need friendly faces to be a cheerful presence, welcoming people in a contact-free, physically distanced manner. If this sounds like you, we need you on our team. Click here to sign up!
We are looking for people who want to invest in the mission field of social media! Are you good with Instagram? Photography? Then we need you! Click here to sign up!
If you’re interested in technology, and would like to be part of making our worship services seen and heard, we would love to have you. We have positions available on the Sound Team, Visuals Team, and Internet Broadcasting Team. No experience necessary, just the willingness to work hard and learn. Click here to sign up!
Youth and Children’s Ministry
Breakaway is our High School Ministry. We meet Wednesday’s at 7PM. We are always looking for Men and Women looking to be role models to our high school students! Sign up here to learn more!
Kairo is our Middle School Ministry! We meet Friday nights at 7pm. Would you like to get involved as a Kairo leader? Sign up here!
Our children’s ministry is always looking for loving volunteers to help impact the younger generation by sharing Christ’s love! If you’re interested in helping out in Kaleidoscope sign up here!
If would like to volunteer with our little ones, fill out the form here to choose which ages, station positions, and the scheduling basis in which you are interested in serving.
We are in need of people that are filled with compassion, patience, kindness and the love of Jesus. If you are 13 years or older and profess a personal faith in Jesus, then we would love for you to consider being a part of our team. Click here to sign up!
Serve Local
October 1st - November 30th
For every $40 you donate, a turkey dinner will be provided for 15-20 people. Credit card and bank cards accepted. Donations will be going towards Helping Up Mission, New Song Learning Academy, Port Towns Church and other local charities.
Donate HERE
Contact Cathy Dallwig at caring@chapelgate.org with any questions.
Our Annual Fall Service Day will be on November 23rd from 8:30AM to 12:30PM. Come join us as we serve those who need a helping hand this season with outdoor projects in our local community. Projects are family friendly and all are encouraged to participate, so bring your rake and join the fun as we serve together!
Click HERE to sign up
Every January we invite you to be part of the lifesaving work at the Columbia Pregnancy Center! We will hand out baby bottles and ask you to fill them with cash or checks (or donate online) and simply return them to the church lobby. You will be empowering women to choose life. The Center provides free pregnancy testing, sonograms, education, recovery classes, baby supplies, and more – all with the love of Christ.
Contact Cathy Dallwig at caring@chapelgate.org with any questions.
Our church will be hosting a canned food drive for the month of March to assist families and individuals in need in the broader community. We partner with Columbia Community Care’s food pantry in this endeavor. We collect dry goods and household items and deliver them to the food pantry at the end of the fundraiser.
Contact Cathy Dallwig at caring@chapelgate.org with any questions.
Every year Chapelgate sponsors a school supply drive benefitting two Baltimore City Schools; New Song Academy & The Belair Edison School Brehms Campus.
Monetary donations help supply backpacks at New Song Academy and school uniforms for the Edison School.
Cash and check donations are collected in persons on Sundays or by donating online.
Contact Cathy Dallwig at caring@chapelgate.org with any questions.
Operation Christmas Child begins on Sunday, October 20th and goes until Sunday, November 24th. All boxes must be turned in to Chapelgate by Sunday, November 24th so they can be shipped out on time. You can also build a box online from the comfort of your home in just a few simple clicks! Create a box online to count towards Chapelgate's total HERE.
On Saturday, Oct 26, Steve Jessen is coming to do a half-day training that will equip teams to go and serve when there's a tornado, hurricane, or other natural disaster. The goal is to be proactive in creating rapid response teams for when there is a need. This event will involve drywall removal and power tool usage.
The Good Sams Ministry provides meals to those in our church community who find themselves in need. Meals are freshly prepared by volunteers and kept in the freezer until such time as they are needed by those who are ill or for the family during a hospitalization. Get Involved!
A volunteer ministry of women and men that reaches out to bereaved families by organizing, preparing, and serving a simple, low-cost reception following the funeral or memorial service of a loved one. Sign Up here!
Our visitation ministry is supported by staff and volunteers that provide home and hospital visits to those in our community who are shut-in, sick, lonely, dying, or bereaved. Get involved!