That All May Know
20 Day Devotional Guide
How to Use this Guide
Before you are 20 Short Devotions, one for each day of this Campaign, based on scripture passages. They address the passage and offer thoughts regarding Chapelgate. We hope they will bless and challenge you!
So, prayerfully read the passages, note the focus verse and actual devotions, then reflect and offer One Takeaway that God has impressed on your heart.
We have included some prayers, but for the most part, we have allotted space for you to write your own, based on how the Lord speaks into your life in the entries that offer space to do so.
It is important to note that some of the greatest and most valuable contributions to Chapelgate will probably never be shared or known – members who intentionally seek out their neighbors, friends caring for friends, and gifts beyond normal offerings to invest in missions. Think about your journey and the various little moments when people have come alongside you, times when you have experienced Christ through encounters with his people.
(if you received a packet with the That All May Know Magnet - your QR code will lead to each day’s devotional starting tomorrow!