Our Mission
To live out the Gospel in Word and Deed with the hope that God will bring Healing, Renewal and Peace to Greater Baltimore and the Nations for His Glory.
Chapelgate is a church that meets in Marriottsville, a community 20 minutes southwest of Baltimore. We come from every walk of life and have a diversity of experiences and backgrounds. We are driven by values which are sometimes more like commitments that we barely cling to as we wrestle with faith and life in all its complexities.
The Gospel teaches that Jesus Christ is the only true source of healing for individuals, relationships, families, communities, churches, and nations. Chapelgate is a community of people, broken and poured out to a world in need of the healing power of the Gospel. Our desire is for Chapelgate to be a church in which people experience this power and then themselves become healing agents.
The Gospel is the announcement that the Kingdom of God has come through Jesus. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus ensure that those who follow Him in faith are made new and given the hope that one day every vestige of sin’s curse will be gone – in ‘the new heavens and the new earth.’ Our prayer is for a movement of Renewal to pour outside the walls of this church community through the transforming work of the Gospel among the people within this community.
The Gospel assures that when a person knows Jesus Christ by faith, there is reconciliation where there had once been alienation – that we are justified from our sin and given peace with God through Jesus. This peace is ‘other-worldly’ in that it penetrates through to our hearts regardless of our circumstances. We desire to be a ‘peacemaker’ in a tormented society and world that knows no peace and only searches where it cannot be found apart from Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
What We Believe
About the Scriptures
We believe that God inspired men to pen the unfolding drama of Redemption, beginning with Creation, and extending to the life, ministry and work of Jesus, and the continuing narrative of His work through the Church until He returns. The Bible is holy and ultimately the revelation of Jesus Himself, contained in its 66 books. And it is complete, that is, there is no needed further revelation beyond what God has revealed in the scriptures.
About the Reformed Faith
We are ‘Reformed’ in doctrine. This term goes back to the Protestant Reformation of the early 16th Century, and it is distinguished by a strongly held view of God’s Sovereignty, the understanding that the Gospel is a message of God’s Grace, the Centrality of Jesus Christ, Salvation by Faith Alone and the Word of God. More to the point, ‘Reformed’ describes something the Faith constantly does in the life of a believer. We are constantly ‘reforming’ as the Gospel continually brings to light who we are and are called to be, before Christ, and through the internal work of the Spirit in the life of the believer.
About God
We believe that God exists in a mysterious union of three Persons, though He is one. We can’t fully comprehend this, but the scriptures clearly teach that within this ‘Tri-Personal’ God (C.S. Lewis first used this term), Father, Son and Holy Spirit coexist equally and eternally, and together participate in all things from Creation to Redemption.
About Jesus
Jesus is more than an historical figure. He has existed in eternity as God, and has entered into history as man (born of the virgin, Mary). His purpose in coming into the world was to live a perfectly holy life, and then to die an undeserved death in atonement for the sins of the world. Three days later, He rose from the grave. Later He ascended into heaven, with the promise to one day return and make all things new. By the sacrificial offering of His life, those who flee to Him in faith discover Him to be the One True Savior, Redeemer and Friend. We worship Him as King and Lord.
About the Church
The Church is more than an organization. It is the people of God throughout all of history. It is connected beyond the barriers of time, geography, race, ethnicity and denominational differences. It exists to extend the work of Jesus in announcing the Kingdom of God in the world, and to serve a broken world with the love and grace of Christ. Through its confession, unity and faithful presence, the Church offers glimpses of the new heaven and new earth to a world starving for belonging and love.