Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Thrive Retreat 2025, Register today!
Bible Studies
(Listed below are the bible studies with space availability)
Wednesday morning, 9:30AM-11:00AM
Daniel (NavPress LifeChange Study). Study will be led by Brenda Gackenbach and Connie Hockstra. Geared towards moms. Childcare available on a first come first serve basis.
Start Date: 9/11
Spots available!
Location: Chapelgate, Youth Suite
Friday Morning, 9:30AM-11AM
New Bible study beginning 1/10
Meeting Fridays in the Youth Suite
Studying Anxiety: Finding Comfort and Reassurance from God, by Skip McDonald
Led by Mary Sue Paulis and Elise Finch
Chapelgate Women’s Ministries exists to see women flourish as we walk in fullness of life both in our relationships with Jesus and with one another. As we reach, connect, equip and send women, our hope is that God would be glorified as we run the race that He has set before each of us enjoying Him and one another along the way. We are created for community - first of all with the Trinity and secondly with one another - and from that place of community, we flourish!
We invite all women, in all stages of life, to join us as we walk together on the path God has for each of us. Our desire is that every woman will feel welcomed, valued, and experience the amazing love of Christ that changes lives.
Contact: Judie Puckett
Impact! is the mentoring ministry at Chapelgate! Having a mentor and being a mentor are some of the wonderful gifts that God has given us as His body. If God is stirring your heart about having a mentor or being a mentor, Impact! is for you! Our mentoring leadership team has put together a video to share with you about Impact!
What Is Dive In?
Dive In is a time for us to come together as women across generations to share our stories together. Our God is a redeeming God! As we reflect on and share the stories He has written across our lives, we see His hand of grace and redemption and we grow in love and connection with one another. The Body of Christ is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus has given us. As we remember and recall what God has done for us and in us, He encourages and builds up His Church.
The Shepherdess Ministry was created under the authority of the Session to care for Chapelgate women (and non-member women at a pastor’s discretion) in crisis or distress. The ministry integrates the pastoral staff, a shepherdess and an oversight elder by partnering an elder with a shepherdess to walk alongside and team shepherd a woman in crisis. In addition, shepherdesses are available upon request when officers are called to minister in situations where the absence of a woman is awkward or inappropriate and where the counsel and help required could benefit from the perspective of a woman.